and we went there by hafiz's car. hakhak. it was for the very first time i went there by car tau.
kalau tak selama ni kte naik ktm jewww. sob sob :P
actually he's driving tapi sempat posing
cehhh !
kontrebesi tak gambar titewww ? hewhew
boleh lah masuk melodi lepas ni xD
we watched Wrath of The Titans. haha. and we were like freezing in the cinema. saya lupa bawak sweater, padan muka saya. couple sebelah saya tu siap bawak selimut pastu pakai sama-sama. puihhhh.
tak jeles pun. nanti saya buat sweet sweet dengan suami saya jugak *ayat sedapkan hati*
okay bye.
have a nice weekends everybodehhhhh
p/s : hafiz is my cousin, anyway.
Ececeh..awesomess lahhh tuhh?? Huhu btw nice shades LOL :P
ReplyDeletehehe. awesome lahh heheheeh. thanks, anyway :D heee