Assalamualaikum and hello loves,

The Wedding.

hello beautiful. hows ur day guys ? huhu. mine was just fine :D
so, today we went to wedding reception at Damansara. but before that, we went to dentist first sebab si dyra gomok ada appointment. puihhh gedik dengan braces dia. puihhh ! *jeles sebenarnya*

it was Kak Ija's wedding. actually i don't really know her well hewhew. menonong je kan kau ni syera pegi wedding orang. double puihh ! :D
before we went to the wedding, ktorang singgah rumah my aunt, sbb her house and the hall dekat je. and lagi satu rumah auntie kte tu jadi rumah tumpang untuk pengantin lelaki. aww :P

okay too lazy to write. hehe. tengok je lah gambar ni.

 okay this cute boy named Adeeb Affan :)
he is my cousin's son.


 okay saya tahu macam VanilaKopi.
ahhh terasa diri ini begitu Kopi. okay.
Adeeb dia mix chinese.
and so do i. tapi i dah terlalu banyak minum kopi agaknya. 
arghhh. tension.

and this is my niece, Ameera Safiyyah :)

adeeb suka jalan sorang sorang. hahah 
shooo chomeyl ! :P


  lepas ni kte pulak nak kawen. korang dijemput ea.

p/s : tadi otw balik abah singgah office dia kat Shah Alam. and while waiting, saya sempat men-shopping kan diri. LOL. borong shawl woiiii ! hahha. 


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