i have read bout the post at someone's blog. and i was like.... :(
okay dear, first of all im truly sorry if i was the person that u referred to.
ya Allah sungguh, takde niat semua tu. sungguh. :(
im just his past and now he is having you. only you dear pretty girl.
no doubt. he loves you so much.
and nothing can change that. we're just friends.
yes, i know the feeling when your loved one still keep his ex's pic in his album. i know the feeling dear :(
but what am i suppose to do ? hurmmm.
i feel so guilty.
but trust me, there is nothing between us. it has been like for about 3 years dah we broke up. so i think this shouldn't be an issue.
kte memang suka sangat tengok korang berdua, sweet sangat. tak tipu. jujur ni. hurmmm.
i really hope the relationship will last forever. ameen, insyaAllah. let us pray for them :)
*pray for me and 'A' too. ameen.
from bottom of my heart,
shahirah hasan.
sabar k..:)